FizzBuzz in CoffeeScript – a worked example
25 Sep 2014 | Reading time: 2 minCoffeeScript is well-documented, succinct language that compiles into JavaScript. If you’re bored of JavaScript’s abstruse syntax, it’s a much more Ruby-like way to approach JavaScript programming – provided you’re comfortable with its caveats. This assumes you have node.js installed and have installed Mocha, CoffeeScript and Chai with the following commands from the folder you’re working in:
npm install coffee-script
npm install chai
npm install mocha
You can also use the -g
flag when running the above commands to install these packages globally, rather than locally. If you’re using Mocha for tests, you need to ‘register’ a CoffeeScript compiler with Mocha first.
mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
You might also have to create a Mocha options file – /test/mocha.opts – and add the following line: \--compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
Set up your folder structure like this:
├── src
│ └──
└── test
└── mocha.opts
Now, let’s write a test. test/
chai = require 'chai'
expect = chai.expect
Fizzbuzz = require '../src/fizzbuzz'
describe 'Fizzbuzz', ->
it '3 is divisible by 3', ->
fizzbuzz = new Fizzbuzz()
it '1 is not divisible by 3', ->
fizzbuzz = new Fizzbuzz()
(Note the capital ‘F’ in Fizzbuzz, because we’re declaring a class.) Be careful of that third line above, though – if you have a fizzbuzz.js file it will use that instead of your file! And now, the code: src/
class Fizzbuzz
isDivisibleByThree: (number) -> number % 3 == 0
module.exports = Fizzbuzz
And so on… you know how FizzBuzz goes. Here are our tests after a little bit of refactoring – note the before
chai = require 'chai'
expect = chai.expect
Fizzbuzz = require '../src/fizzbuzz'
describe 'Fizzbuzz', ->
before -> @fizzbuzz = new Fizzbuzz()
it '3 is divisible by 3', ->
it '1 is not divisible by 3', ->